you need to have finished the aether currents & quests dravanian forelands timestamps and quests below! aether currents in order with numbers no 01 6:04 x 30.7 y 36.3 z 0.6 no the hag sisters ej! map only locations of the the dravanian forelands aether currents: (9, 36) (12, 19) (19, 34) (22, 20) (25, 12) (26, 22) (27, 39) (30, 24) (36, video showing all of the aether current locations both the ones you have to attune to and the ones you get from quests in the dravanian forelands, hope this in this final fantasy xiv video, i show every location of the aether currents in the dravanian hinterlands in final fantasy xiv. In this final fantasy xiv video, i show every location of the aether currents in the dravanian forelands in final fantasy xiv. Ffxiv 3.0 0703 Aether Currents Dravanian Forelands